From the Rev. Eric Williams, rector of St. Luke's
This summer Susan and I took our girls for a two and a half month sabbatical. We did a pulpit swap with an Anglican priest in Wales and pastored his church for the first month. Then we took a course on Celtic Spirituality at St. Deiniol's Library (the former estate of William Gladstone -- also in Wales). We then headed to the north of England and visited Hadrian's Wall and other historical sites. Our time in England concluded with a day in London and some time with friends. And our sabbatical ended with a three week trip to France. You can read lots about the trip and see hundreds of pictures on our blog:
Now we are back in time for the beginning of the busy "program" year at church, with the start of Sunday School, youth group, choir and our other programs. To learn about them, visit our new website:
And check back on this blog for sermons, classes and blog updates.
--Eric Williams