Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Set Free

The Voice of the Winged Ox presents Set Free. Mother Susanpreaches. Jesus breaks sabbath rules to set a woman free.

You can read the lessons here.

You can find more unusual laws here.

Our music is Dawn by Josh Winiberg available at

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Offering the Truth

The Voice of the Winged Oxpresents Father Eric'shomily on how Jesus models offering the truth to others.

You can read the lessons for this homily here.

You can read about Eric Little here.

You can order
of Fire


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Treasure Hunt

The Voice of the Winged Ox presents Tresure Hunt. The children know X marks the spot for buried treasure. Jesus says our treasure is where our heart is. Mother Susan preaches.

You can read the lessons here.

Search for Pirates
of the Caribbean


Our music is provided by Josh Winiberg available at

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Bigger Barn Blues

The Voice of the Winged Ox presents Bigger Barn Blues
Father Eric preaches about the rich man and his barns. The bigger barn is a metafore for our possessions and the rich man's fate recommends that we think differently about our stuff.

You can read the lessons here.

The article Father Eric read about big houses is here.

Our music is by Josh Winiberg, Dawn, available at

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A New Creation

The Voice of the Winged Ox presents
A New Creation

our guest preacher is
paul dominiak

The readings for this sermon are here

Walt Whitman's poem, "O Me! O life!" can be found at Project Gutenberg in Leaves of Grass.

Henry David Thoreau wrote Waldenand went to live deliberately in the woods.

Order Dead
Poets Society

Our music is from